ZEE Workshop and General Assembly Meeting – July 5th
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
Freiburger Innovationszentrum (FRIZ, Room I), Georges-Köhler- Allee 302, 79110 Freiburg

The Program
08:45 Welcome Coffee in FRIZ
09:00 Introduction to
09:15 ZEE Member Pitch Presentations (1-5 slides, max 10 minutes per person), (Name and Affiliations, Research and Teaching activities relevant to ZEE, Topics of Interest, Future Ideas)
10:15 Discussion on Topics of Interest and Possible Synergies
10:30 Coffee Break (30 minutes)
11:00 General Assembly Meeting (90 minutes)
TOP0: Setting the Agenda, Introduction of new members
TOP1: ZEE past and status
TOP2: ZEE webpage launch
TOP3: Ongoing projects (Agri PV, GrECCo)
TOP4: ZEE’s future place in the university
TOP5: Confirmation of Board of Directors
TOP6: Plans for Inclusion of Future ZEE Members
TOP7: Plans for upcoming ZEE General Assembly Meetings
(e.g., December 4th, 2023, 14:00)
TOP8: other topics
TOP9: Wrap-Up
12:30 End of General Assembly / Joint Lunch in FRIZ
13:30 End of Lunch
Confirmed Participants
ZEE Members:
Barbara Koch
Moritz Diehl
Stefan Glunz
Anke Weidlich
Christoph Wittwer
Dirk Schindler
Hawta Khayyat
Bruno Burger
Christine Paasch
Anna Göritz
Jakob Harzer
Karim Fahmy
Max Trommsdorff (online)