Working Paper

In 2010, the Centre for Renewable Energy initiated its work on a series of working papers. The primary objective of these papers is to stimulate discussion in the field of sustainable energy in Europe as well as on a global scale. An accurate citation of the findings, interpretations and opinions included in these papers must be ensured. They reflect the work of their authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Centre for Renewable Energy or the University of Freiburg. We welcome feedback from readers and request that they convey their comments and criticisms directly to the authors.

Working Papers

Working Paper 11-2019

Lokal und digital. Geschäftsmodellentwicklung von Nachbarschaftsplattforrmen und -apps im deutschsprachigen Markt

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 10-2017

Wegweiser: “Nachhaltiges Handeln in Unternehmen und Regionen”

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 09-2017

Die Regionalwert AG als Beispiel eines erfolgreichen regionalen Unternehmensnetzwerkes 

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 08-2015

Key Actors in Emerging Regional Transitions to Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency 

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 07-2014

Leadership in EE-Regionen: Eine Analyse von Schlüsselakteuren in drei Regionen mit Ziel einer Selbstversorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien. 

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 06-2013

Cooperative Local Energy Transitions – The Guide 

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 05-2011

“Leitfaden für die Nutzung kommunaler, halmgutartiger Reststoffe in Mikrobiogasanlagen und Bestandsanlagen”

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 04-2011

Funcke, Simon, 2011: “Kommunale Wertschöpfung durch Solarstromsysteme in der Stadt Freiburg

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 03-2011

Nienborg, Björn. 2011: “Solar Thermal Water Heaters in Argentina. Market Characterization and Analysis of Barriers to Diffusion.” 

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 02-2011

Gundermann, Susanne. 2011. “I think everybody has this thing in mind, this flexibility to accept less than perfect” An Ethnographic Case Study of the Renewable Energy Mangement Master’s Programme at the University of Freiburg

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677

Working Paper 01-2010

Batkova, Elena. 2010. Weak Policy Implementation? A Functional Approach to the Analysis of EU Biofuels Policy Documents. Working Paper 01 – 2010. Centre for Renewable Energy. University of Freiburg

ISSN online: 2191-0685, ISSN print: 2191-0677